Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Dream, a dance, and three parties. (feelin like a weekend.....)

well... thursday - now....... thursday night i went to a school dance...( i know "middle school dance lame") but it wasnt too bad alot more people showed up than i would have ever expected..haha.. and i just hung withTaylor Brady And jaycie.... but its all good..... that night myself kim, kc, mary, and ben watched the new office episode (FINNALY) called "dinner party" it was centered around Jan and Micheals dinner party thrown for the couples at the office. (dwight not invited. though he shows up later... haha) he has alot yelling contention some funny parts and a figurative apartment flooding. it was a good funny episode but the four months of suspense made me expect more...... going dream it has to be one of the oddest dreams ive ever had .... and thats quite the understatement. it started off with me meeting Borock Obama at some meet and greet thing but we actually sat down and talked. at this point of the dream i still despised the man,,,, but who gives a chance to meet someone famous ya know. so that wasd that. and life went on ...a little later (in the dream) for some oddball reason he ends up in little ol ivins UT. (yeah wouldnt ever happen). and needs a place to stay, oddly mom of course invitees him over and he ends up staying here for like a week and a half. i warm up to the guy, we have some interesting conversations... and he for some reason gives me some antique umbrella that apparently was quite sentimental. at one point he also asked to borrow my bike which hey the could be prez. rode my bike (PS i dont even own a bike currently , oddly enough) haha..i woke up thinking i dont even like the man, but after that i seem too haha.. (dont worry i still wouldnt vote for him).... friday imediently after school.. i had a service party where we tied quilts (not the best way to spend an afternoon but hey there were some fine ladies workin there) we did five quilts and barely missed the prize for a movie ticket... right after that i headed for the party of the year... the Annual Sierra Party. there was probably about 200-250+ people there and quite a blast.. this year it featured Bouncers (sounds gay but they were real rent a cops hired out and quite musicle masses) DJ Lex, Rock BAnd, a fire and lots of free food. it was a good party although uncomparable to last years.i insulted some girls i kinda wished i hadnt (not that i wasnt right just rude) but... all is good haha...i had loads of fun and a good time.. we went to ERics that night and just went to sleep after watching some Tv and wedidnt do alot but i was introduced to two bands "Flobots" and "Ludo" two weird different band but good too. saturdayi woke up showered and the like and didnt do a whole except a nap till 6:00 i went to Brandy Phillips PArty (she is now FREE of Cancer) with CJ (driver), Taylor, Rylee, and ERic. alot of people were there more than expected once again and i had alot of fun (eric and Bryan claim it was more fun then the expen$ive party). with Obstacle courses and live music i loved it alot of peeps came the last three hours and we had fun. me whitney jake peter garett and my boys wentand TP-d Brady berryessa room just for the heck of it in the middle of the party.... that was my weekend.