Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Ten years from now....

I got this idea from one of K8's blogs.. kinda of opposite though

as i am 15 i'd like to think about what life'll be like in ten years... still be in college..? will i have a temp job.. a Career? if so will it be my current dream of working with film.. or will it be some new entrepeneur job.. will i be married? if i am married will i have a kid? maybe even two or three.. who could possible be my wife? have i already married or is she out there maybe even in a foregin country... ? who really knows the answer to these quetions? Besides the gracious man upstairs i think they can't be known.. thats why im here to figure crap out and make lots of decisions..
Since The only thing worse than unanswered questions is a Red Sox fan talking about how they think they'll win world series... I've decided to Give the answers myself
... The Year is 2018 Still in college persuing Film possibbly at BYU... runnin a side job to get me through college.. my wife (some questions are better left unanswered) is by my side throughout everything.. No kids yet we're waiting till i finish up college..were livin pretty close to the college while im there.. but when i come home to a full house for some mjor event... little Sophie (not so little anymore) excited t0 see me but not as excited to see me as she once was... Benson (as that is what he will be called) comes up to show me all his cool new stuff... i walk into the rooms to see ol' granny and pops Bess (haha.....) holding the rest of the children maybe little canyon... camry.... the rest it sure is weird having us all married and with kidds (except myself) and such....................................................................................

Future me haha apparently---->>>>|||||||||||||||||||

Maybe Future insights are to come as for tonight... I'm signing off..
You stay classy Southern Utah..

i did the photo with


kate said...

Zach- That is hilarious.. I think that you're going to have kids by 25. You'll have to have at least one the same age as all the other cousins..

Unknown said...

Zach this is great. Nice writing I like your style. I think it is going to be funny to see you at 25. I will be 2 years from 40 at that point and will be checking out sports cars to buy at my midlife crises.